Heavy equipment is put on. Ceilings are professionally exposed, cables are pulled and water pipes are opened. A fire brigade operation accidentally triggered. More than 240 duvets and pillows were packed and stored, bedside lamps were unscrewed and sorted. Depending on what is needed and what is passed on. Bathtubs have been removed and are ready to be replaced by showers.
We as chefs, housekeeping, technology, reception or spa employees are hardly needed anymore. And so we as a crew find shelter for the weekly department head meeting in the office of hotel director Kai Harmsen, before we also make a tabula rasa there for a short time. True to the motto: Everything has to go, the walls belong open. Water pipes checked, renewed, processed. And so we become less and less visible in the hotel ... we employees of the Strandhotel Zingst. And we can hardly wait until the hammering and drilling is replaced by the soft, friendly voices of guests and us employees. To the moment when we are back in the middle of our beach hotel Zingst.